The design anticipated a time when architecture would have to respond to the mobility, fast-pace, and transformability of a globalized world resulted from social issues related to recycling, migration, affordable housing, post-disaster shelters and the optimal use of space in overcrowded cities.
With the duality of dynamic and static architectural space as the primary framework, it adopts the coming age of AI based on these subjects through lightweight sensors that measures human needs, and changes accordingly to their emotions and demands that aims to architecturally solve matters through the dynamics of the concept of a ‘home’. It incorporates mechanisms to use wind as the instrument to alter variable spaces through turbines attached to architectural elements, and naturally transforms overtime varying in openness, light level, ventilation and volume based on the movements of nature’s wind forces. The word “nature” comes from natura, Latin for birth – from which the words nation, native and innate are also derived – the elementary concept of ‘home’.
Through creating dynamics via nature and AI, it reveals the potential of a precisely measured ‘home’ to achieve a balanced harmony of human, nature, technology and architecture when juxtaposed together, and the birth of a new reactive typology of ‘home